
Blogs » Filming the accident scene for Nels

Filming the accident scene for Nels

  • Today I just finished filming the accident scene for my upcoming movie "Nels".

    It was very intense!

    We had a trained makeup artist come out to do the special effects on the victim and she did an incredible job. Almost as soon as we got him out on the street, a police car pulled in with the lights on and the officer got out of the car and started heading over to him. I quickly told her it was just a movie and she got on her radio to cancel the call she'd put in (I'd alerted our college police department and actually had an officer on site who came shortly after this but the Rutgers police didn't know about it).

    There was also an EMT who came over and a whole bunch of people we had to keep assuring that it wasn't real.

    By the end of the month, I'll be posting it as part of my three-minute contest video and also will probably put up some behind the scenes footage as well.