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On-Screen Credits in Wartime

  • During World War II, "to reduce the use of film as much as possible," a restriction on the number of takes allowed for each camera setup - a maximum of three - was not considered unreasonable by film directors.

    When, however, the movie industry's own wartime Film Conservation Committee tentatively proposed to eliminate on-screen production credits, to further conserve film, the directors overwhelmingly vetoed that plan in a test vote. On-screen credits were that important! - "Casablanca: Behind the Scenes," by Harlan Lebo.

    This implies that the practice of including on-screen music credits was also strongly supported by Hollywood film directors, as it should be. Moreover, while watching classic Hollywood movies, you'll notice that the music composer's name is often spotlighted with large text, and this is during the opening credits of the film. You don't have to wait until the very end of the film just to find out who wrote that awesome score, that music which so vitally enhanced the movie-goer's (your) experience.

    Have you included a clause to this effect in your contract?