

  • ramaa
    ramaa <p>interesting post dude.... <br>juz got your site while surfing for <a mce_href="" href="">642-373</a> and found it quite...  more
    January 8, 2010 - Report
  • Raymond Edwards
    Raymond Edwards <p>Where are you based?<br mce_bogus="1"></p>
    January 10, 2010 - Report

Blogs » So Unfair!

So Unfair!

  • So,

    That's it!  I'm mad that I want to get my diploma in Film Production, and on the US, it's so ridiculoulsy hard and expensive to try and study!  Can you explain to me how come The Philippines got better prices in eductation for this line of work than we do?  So much for America, the land of opportunites!  Yes, I am mad, more like irritated!  I've been trying to study film for awhile and unfortunately, I can't depend on Pops and mom for that!  I'm not one of them kids!  I have to afford everything out of my own damn pocket... on what I've struggled to earn... hence, why i joined the army!

    So how come, it is harder than ever, for me to study what i want? ARGGGG, I swear sometimes, I get so angry with stuff like that it is not even funny!  Anyhow, I'm doing some research people:

    For schools where I can study Film Production in it's extensive form.  And by that I mean, I'm looking for a curriculum that covers directing, production, screetwritting, cinematrography and so on, you know, the film goodie kind of stuff.  Straight to the point, kind of a thing, none of that extra BS like Gen Eds or Liberal Arts shit that I don't need!  Honestly, I ain't got the money for all that!

    So far I've only found two schools with great curriculums like that.  And those are Vancouver Film School (Canada) and the International Academy of Film & Television (Philippines).  And, as you can see, none of these two are in the US.  So if you know of something like this, most specially if it's within the US, hit me up.  I would really appreciate the feedback.
