Network Sponsors

The Tarzana International Film Festival, TZIFF 2024 -

CSI Rentals - Camera - Lighting - Expendibles

Cine Lab, New and Pre-Owned Cinema and Broadcast Equipment. Buy, Sell, Consignment.



TNFF: The North Film Festival, NYC

Love & Hope International Film Festival, Barcelona

Recent Entries

  • Marvelous Legals

    I just saw the trailer for the new AMAZING SPIDER-MAN due out next year. It was way too familiar for me. Seeing a reboot so soon after just starting the last series seems a bit odd. I felt similarly about BATMAN BEGINS and it has been 8 years since the last sequel (1997’s BATMAN AND ROBIN). In this...
  • Business Buffoonery

    Okay, time for a lesson on business side of “film business”. As many of my faithful readers know, I was a broker in the 1990’s which helped because I had to know and understand investment laws of what is and is not legal. I recently saw something so glaringly illegal and stupid it blew my mind.Some ...
  • Placable and Patient

    It is official; we did NOT win the contest. I am not shocked, but I am a little disappointed. Who wouldn’t be? I did however have over six months to get used to the idea of NOT winning, so it all worked out.Now they did announce the winner and it was Patrick Boivin. This guy is an amazi...
  • Considerable Commensuration

    PROGRESS! As I may have mentioned, after Alex I increased our intern numbers to 3. My biggest trouble is coming up with enough work for everyone, at least work that is within their skillset and in the time I have along with my own duties. I thought handing them the Cell Phone Monologues was more an ...
  • Intemperance and Insinuation

    This week I started teaching film and video at a school, as a new part time job. These first few days were more acclimating myself to their style and methods. I like teaching. I believe firmly in my methods but it is not for everyone. I try to impart that the “rules” are there as guides, but they ar...
  • The Vaunting of Ventures

    In my quest to be more productive, there have been some successes and failures on my part. I wanted to do editing on these short films and hour a day. That didn’t happen. I had goals in terms of editing on Framelines and Clip Frames and those have been accomplished, including some minor shoots and i...
  • Tangible Tetris

    The work never stops. Alex the Intern has left to spend the summer with family before starting his grad school film program, I’ve taken in 3 new interns. Training them will take time and then they’ll move on too. The circle of life I guess. I did get a lot done recently. I’ve been making DVD’s of th...
  • Overt Obviation

    My how time is not my friend, although we are coming to some terms. Lord knows I feel better being able to edit at home again. Doing the cuts then mastering at work on the tricked out machines makes a huge difference. Even after 8-10 hours cutting at work does not deter me from cutting at home after...
  • Ampersands and Ands

    I noticed a strange screenwriting credit back in 1992 (yes, I am old) for LETHAL WEAPON 3 where they credited things asscreenplay by Jeffrey Boam and Jeffrey Boam & Robert Mark Kamen Story by Jeffrey Boamwhich struck me as kind of weird. Why is the dude's name showing up 3 times for a simple script...