
Blogs » Principle on HealthFreaks finished

Principle on HealthFreaks finished

  • We finally finished filming Health Freaks. Finally a weekend to relax before heading into the booth. I did get to thinking of all that we've gone though on this project. From Jack, our director, having to shoot the film from start to finish twice because the lead quit half way through the shoot last year to get married. Hiring Ron Jeremy and the rush to get everything ready for him, plane tickets, hotel room, paycheck, etc. To one of our backers deceiding that she didn't want him in the film and having me fire him at the VERY LAST second. (Somebody hire him, he's a really great guy.) To Lloyd Kaufman throwing away our script and doing an improv act on camera. (Somebody hire him too, just trust me he's worth the experiance.) The Extras not showing up, The bands that volunteered their music freely, and the girl who let us throw what could only be described as raw meat at her at four in the morning for our cow-town horror show. It was all worth it.