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Editing iPhone videos with Premiere Pro and AE

    • 1 posts
    August 28, 2023 1:35 PM PDT

    Hey y'all! Hope everyone's rockin' the filmmaking scene! \u270c\ufe0f I'm super stoked to dive into this chat about editing – seriously, it's where all the magic unfolds, turning our iPhone-shot vids into total gems. 

    So, let's dish it out! Editing is my jam, no lie. It's where the real fun begins, taking raw clips and transforming them into those "wow" moments. I've been all about iPhone filmmaking lately, and let me tell ya, the potential for jaw-dropping visuals is off the charts.

    Adobe Premiere: Alright, who else is a fan of this software? From my early Sony Vegas days to now, Premiere's been my ride-or-die. The user-friendly setup and all those tools in the toolbox? Chef's kiss. What's your go-to feature? Any wicked hacks to make editing a breeze?

    After Effects: Can we talk about the bling that After Effects adds? Visual effects, animations – it's like a creativity playground. Hooking it up with Premiere? Chef's kiss again. Ever tried your hand at After Effects? What kinda eye-popping effects have you whipped up?

    Now, let's rap about blending these editing powerhouses with iPhone footage. The iPhone 14 Pro shots blend like peanut butter and jelly with Adobe's goodness. Color tweaks, smoothing out shaky takes, bumping up the audio – endless tinkering, am I right? Got any secret sauce techniques?

    But hey, learning curves are real. We've all had those "what's happening?!" moments and those breakthrough fist-pump victories while conquering these software beasts. Share your editing saga – the highs, the lows, and the "aha" revelations.

    Oh, but here's the plot twist – I'm a little on the shy side when it comes to flaunting my stuff. \ud83d\ude05 Anyone else feeling the butterflies? But hey, that's why we're a crew, right? Let's egg each other on to flaunt our creations. Maybe we could even dream up a rad collab project? \ud83d\ude4c

    Alright, moviemakers, spill the beans! Spill those editing stories, those sneaky tips, the whole shebang about using Adobe Premiere and After Effects to work wonders on our iPhone clips. Let's crank up the editing party together!

    Can't wait to soak in your wisdom.