
Blogs » Viewfinder Frames

Viewfinder Frames

  • Welcome to Viewfinder Frames.
    As you are a guest it is fitting to offer my hospitality. And this being a virtual space, I haven't yet found a way to offer tea & cookies or other substance refreshments.
    However I can still offer two refreshments you may find enjoyable even if you can't eat or drink them.
    One is a PDF by Joe Vitale you will treasure if you are having a though time getting started in or being successful with any aspect of filmmaking.
    Just write to me and ask for a copy & it's yours.
    The other is a video trick / treat and is...
    the greatest video
    effect I've ever seen online. It blows
    away everybody who's seen it!
    [link=""]Check it out for your self[/link]