
Blogs » The Future of Film and New Media

The Future of Film and New Media


    laceName>FLORENCElaceName> laceName>FILMlaceName> laceType>SCHOOLlaceType>


    Our Mission:


    The laceName>NewlaceName> laceName>RenaissancelaceName> laceName>FlorencelaceName> laceName>FilmlaceName> laceType>SchoollaceType> is a highly unique educational and professional environment whose purpose it to help artists and film makers to enter the new markets of film, entertainment, communication and education that are now being presented.  It is the educational branch of The Infinite Human Institute, a non profit organization founded in the United States that seeks to inspire, educate and promote artists with a positive vision for the planet.  All tuitions, donations, and profits go towards our educational programs, scholarships and grants development, production and promotion of artistic projects that realize these goals.


    Our Philosophy


    We believe the creative process can not be separated from the individual but is an intimate part of humanity. We celebrate the humanistic spirit and seek to bring this element into the emerging technologies. The goal  of The Florence Film School and the Florence International Film Festival is to help visionary film makers and multi media artists to merge the divine aspect of the human with technological advancements in our  New Global Renaissance to create infinite creative possibilities in the in the present and the future.


    We have chosen to create this amazing experience in the culturally rich and highly creative learning environment of Florence, Italy because the great artists, poets and inventors of the past renaissance created and pioneered new ways of painting, story telling, and inventions the world would not even understand until centuries latter! We need that same kind of vision today.

    Students work both individually, collectively one on one with professional mentors to explore and pioneer new ways of  creating and combining,  story, film, art, theatre,  technology and multi media events that communicate their fresh and original visions for a new world.


    We help each student to increase their palette of creative tools bringing depth eclectic artistry and a high level of professionalism to their chosen mediums.

    A Brief Overview:



    Our unique programs are an organic approach to helping students access their highest creative capacity. We are very selective in our enrollment and keep our classes very small to give each student the time, attention and flexibility to embark upon their inner personal journey of self discovery and enfoldment.  

    Our program includes specially designed exercises to help students release any blocks that may be inhibiting their creative expression and begin to take creative risks and learn to trust their inner intuitive artistic voice.


    Students draw on the richness of Italian Art, Cinema, Architecture, Opera, Literature and the warmth of its language and culture to serve as a springboard for their own creative process. Students will utilize a broad array of mediums such as creative writing, drawing, photographic and theatre arts to help them uncover their own personal style and means of artistic expression.


    Students then begin to focus on their own inner vision for humanity, learning to unleash the story teller within them.


    Unlike other Film Schools the laceName>FlorencelaceName> laceName>FilmlaceName> laceType>SchoollaceType> acts more like a professional production company providing our students with the support, education and talent, equipment and unbelievable location to create highly professional and unique films.  The entire program is based on extensive practical and professional hands on experience and the opportunity to shoot in the beautiful environs of Italy then, edit their work in our state of the arts editing suites and promote their projects at International Film Festivals. The only difference is that we fill in the gaps that novice film makers have by having professionals  mentor them through the process. Students learn by doing, and working on their own projects both individually and collectively. They also learn how to market, promote and sell their films.


    "We stand upon the threshold of a new awakening… a new renaissance!!!"

    Elizabeth Monroy