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Filmmakers call for reels

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    Here in the world of the web we take for granted that the world knows what is happening around them. The television as we know it is changing and looking more and more like a monitor connected to the internet. Who will lead the market and how can the industrious small business owner capitalize on this trend?

    If you look through the data compiled here you might be able to follow the process I'm getting at. The viability of the small business built on the platform of online distribution and monetizing the product of film direct to the consumer.

    Is it such a bad thing for the independent to profit?

    Surveys have shown that when given the option the consumer will support the local small business if cost isn't an issue.

    There is an opportunity here to capitalize on a trend that we haven't seen the likes of since the inception of cable networks.

    A workable model in the future might look like this: a crew of ten on the set many of whom will take acting roles, and three or four producers similar to groups like Kids in the Hall, or Monty Python, but technology has gotten so light and available as to open up more genre'. They will most likly be shooting in a small studio with green screen technology creating from start to finish in house stories to market directly to the consumer.
    The production company would employ others to promote the film and using blogs and social networking tools create a fan base with steady contact through a mail list.

    a beginning video on how to checkout the video player free for yourself is here:

    You can join us in "ourspace" to make this a better help. Set up a profile and post videos at