
Blogs » The Birds - Alfred Hitchcock

The Birds - Alfred Hitchcock

  • So the latest essay to be handed in is on The Birds. I am reading BFI Film Classics "The Birds" by Camille Paglia. She has a very entertaining way of writing which is equally much easier to understand than some of the other academic books. Although occassionally she seems to go off topic a little. Hopefully if I read this and a few more sources I will have enough evidence to cover my essay. I think I will watch the film again tonight. I wouldn't say it was my favourite Hitchcock film. I think the behind the scenes information on it is all very interesting including who was involved. Like the guy who drew Mickey Mouse for Walt Disney... And how and when they used actual birds. Apparently there was someone from the animal humane society there at all times who gave them the ok to tie the birds down with elastic bands... After the shoot was over some of the birds refused to leave the studio car park and kept pooing on Hitchcock's car (revenge?) and in the end they had to cut the tree they were roosting in down to get rid of them. The essay is more specifically on the relationship of the auteur and the audiences' interpretation however because Hitchcock is so well known for "feminism" I am going to have to sift through some irrelevant information...