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Blogs » Garden Satement

Garden Satement

  • Hey Person who found me importiant enough to read this" mce_src="" alt="" phpfox="image-protect">

    This blog is to document the staus of my next short film, titled "Garden Statement"

    The film tells the story of Dave, an aspiring musician who falls on hard times financally, and is forced to get a loan from some "not-so-model-citrizens" When "little tony" and his gang lend Dave some money, his quick wit might not even be able to get him out of this situation. along with his "womanizer" friend Mark, who seems more concerned with scoring than helping his poor best friend, Dave must either find the courage to stand up to tony, or run the rest of his life.

    I just finished the second draft of the script, and i'm having the cast review and edit it for me, to produce the final copy.

    i hope to shoot in early june!

    Wish me luck!
