
Blogs » Have a Girlfriend and eat some cake 2

Have a Girlfriend and eat some cake 2

  • Yes I had some more to say but it may not be related. So my limited viewer base is going to hate me for this but I've found that on average women aren't interested in film production. out of all directors of all time, only about 22% have been female. Out of that 22% 4 have been nominated for best director and 0 have won best director. I don't know what the statistics are for editors or gaffers or concept artists but if this is any indication; it's really really low. I don't know why it's so low and I'd damn myself if I speculated so I won't. But the fact is (actresses aside) women haven't played a large part in pre- and peri-production of film. This is why you're girlfriend (with the exception of a convenient actor) is no help when your making your movies. In some cases she won't understand why it takes so much time or why you produce so many movies below the industry standard or why you have to film for your movie. And many girls are very understanding (some of them are too busy making better movies to hear our woes) so great for you if you're with one. But IN GENERAL it's a bit of a problem that's both confusing and with no apparent solution. Your best bet is to make your editing and filming sessions less scheduled events more scattered breaks when you have time. You'd be surprised how many 20 minute periods you can find in the day between all other activities. That way it'll hardly wear away at your other activities. Projects get done pretty fast even if they're completed in small chunks so just keep cranking away at it till it's done.