
Blogs » Grass Roots Filmmaking

Grass Roots Filmmaking

  • If a group of serious, interested filmmakers collaborated on a large scale, investing money as a venture capitalist firm might do but into itself with the promise of pay-off then it would be possible for them to create a professional looking film and get it shown in theaters. I estimate a feature length would take approximately 300 vested individuals with varying talents working towards a single goal. The end product would be 1: your ideas and efforts on a big screen and in a professional grade, 2: Pay relative to your position you undertook after the movie is released to audiences, and 3: recognition, perhaps the most important, sought-after, and rewarding effect. Naturally any grass roots project like this would get a lot of aspiring directors, writers, actors and music producers. What it wouldn't get a lot of is editors, gaffers, scheduling secretaries and marketers. This creates two dilemma's: too many directors and too few everything else. Once this rag tag group decided on a script they'd undoubtedly have to pick a director and assistant director. Other directors would likely be delegated into other small groups like props, meals or location preparation. The most important job after this initial investment of money would be donation-seeking. This could be done through a website, door-to-door, or referral. Eventually (pre production will have started by then hopefully) the group could buy all the professionals they didn't have represented. This payment process would also get the group locations, marketing specialists, gear, and set material. It'd probably be 1 year of starting the movement and 6 months to make the film. I would love thoughts or suggestions on this.