Network Sponsors

The Tarzana International Film Festival, TZIFF 2024 -

CSI Rentals - Camera - Lighting - Expendibles

Cine Lab, New and Pre-Owned Cinema and Broadcast Equipment. Buy, Sell, Consignment.



TNFF: The North Film Festival, NYC

Love & Hope International Film Festival, Barcelona

Recent Entries

  • The Dead Walks (Excerpt)

    FADE IN:   INT. SHOWERS - EVENING   The water starts running and steams rises up from the bottom of the shower.  She lets the water run down her hair and down her face, soaking in the rest of her slowly.  It’s a relax evening after a full day’s work, and a shower is just what s...
  • So Unfair!

    So, That's it!  I'm mad that I want to get my diploma in Film Production, and on the US, it's so ridiculoulsy hard and expensive to try and study!  Can you explain to me how come The Philippines got better prices in eductation for this line of work than we do?  So much for America, the land of oppor...
  • Who'd ve thunk it!

    Hey everybody,So, I've been on the search for a digital camcorder for some time now... I've been planning to buy one for a while.  And I had no idea it would be this stressful.  Knowing is a burden somtimes, i believe.  I mean I made my research before I ventured on to looking for one, you know... w...